

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hey there!

Thanks for the birthday wishes! And thanks for the stories. Haha they were pretty funny. Although I did get a little teary eyed with Karsons. But it only lasted a second. I can`t cry right now in front of everyone. I am holding that back for the time Karson has his mission call. I am almost positive that I will cry than. And I don`t want the elders to tease me too much about crying. But anyways, I really appreciate knowing that people still think about me eventhough I am super super far away! It isn`t making me too homesick. I thought I would have been a little homesick yesterday but I actually wasn`t. It just felt like any other day in the mission. It just makes me realize that right now, isn`t my time. I am definitely on the Lord`s errand. My comp was super cute though and wrote a list of 22 things she liked about me, made me a "cake" out of chocolate kisses (that I ate all last night), made me banana pancakes, one of the members gave me some cute earrings and another one made me a slice of cake. So it was a pretty good day. And the Bishops wife is going to make me a cake tonight. So I guess that`s all I can ask for. And I am going to be praying that my package gets to me. I told my ZLs about it and they said they would check up on it. So hopefully!

This week was pretty good. We have 2 dates for this Saturday and we are going to have a baptism as a stake. There are going to be a lot of people getting baptized this Saturday. We have a girl who is about 16 named Esthefany and a guy named Nestor. She goes to seminary every day and she is coming to church and everything. So she is positive. And Nestor is awesome! His girlfriend is a member but he isn`t going to get baptized for her. He has a pretty good testimony of the gospel and is reading the Book of Mormon and everything! So this Saturday will be a good day! We also had someone but we couldn`t get him to come to church with us so he will probably be baptized the Saturday after. His name is David and he is pretty solid. He was baptized like 8 years ago but never confirmed so he`s not a member. Yesterday a miracle happened that I have been waiting for. He wouldn`t come to church with us because he didn`t have a desire or just had excuses. Yesterday we went by his house in the morning and knocked but nothing. So we just left and then 2 or 3 minutes before church started he walked in! We were so dang excited! It even made my comp cry. It was just something that we needed. And he even stayed the whole time. I know he knows its true. He knows we know he knows its true. Now he just needs to have a little faith and make a decision to be baptized. He would be a good member. He just needs to make this step of faith. He`s a little lazy so I think he may have committment issues or something. And I think that may be why he hasn`t come to church before or decided to be baptized. But now it will just be a matter of time. And he will be baptized.

So this change is literally just flying by. We are already in the 4th week of the change. I think it`s because we are really working hard, were planning this activity and I am having a good time with my comp. I do feel like the changes just go by a lot faster now. It`s crazy! I am ready to have a change but I also don`t want to at the same time because I like the area. There are some good members and investigators right now. And plus, after this activity I know we will just have that many more people. At least that is what we are hoping for. We are having this activity to get more investigators and I just hope that enough members bring investigators. Although if they don`t at least the ward will be more unified and they will know that we are trying really hard. So we will see. And tell the family thanks for the extra money. I appreciate it a lot. And I won`t make too many transactions so that it won`t be charged too much. Thanks for that.

Well, I honestly don`t have a lot to say this week. It was a good week and I am enjoying myself out here. I would strongly encourage anyone who is thinking about the mission to just do it. Well for the girls but for the guys, they better go. You really grow so much in such a short amount of time. And you learn so much about yourself and about how much God loves you. You realize that you have a lot of potential and that you can be stretched a lot more than you thought you could be. I love the gospel and I have no doubt that it is true. No matter what people say, it`s true. Nothing can and nothing will change that fact. And nothing could change my beliefs. I just hope I can always serve the Lord even when my time ends. I have the goal to always help the missionaries in anyway possible. I know how much it`s appreciated. Anyways, miss you all but love you even more. Thanks for the support and for the prayers. I can feel that you are all trying to help me in this work! Thanks and love you.

Hermana Fronk

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