

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hey momma,

Yeah, yesterday was my 7 months in the mission. The time does go by pretty fast. Although, this last week was a pretty slow week. I think this will be one of the harder changes I have. I know my first change was pretty difficult but this has been too. In a different way though. We have absolutely nothing. Well one possible investigator. But this week was pretty bad. First, I didn`t hit the mission goals, which made me feel just sick. I don`t know why because we are working but I just don`t like it. Second, I have a new comp... My comp left Wed for her mission in Mexico. And I am now with an ex missionary. She is awesome and all but it`s just different. She doens`t have the calling like me and I don`t really know how to describe it. It`s just different. And it`s a little difficult because she has her phone with her and she talks to her family and such. So that`s a little hard. And everyone asks her about her life and her family and I don`t know. It`s just different and a little hard. Also, she is from the stake. So everyone and their mothers know her. All the members. Which may help us work with our working our members. But I don`t know. We are really having a hard time. Well I am. Mainly because we don`t have a whole lot going on. We are trying different ways to open the mouth and I think they will work. She has been telling me stories about her mission and things that she did and that worked so we are trying to apply them to the area. We are also working with the members this week. We are going to go knock on doors with them and they are going to introduce us to people they know who are either members and less active or who aren`t members. So I am praying it works out! I don`t know what else to do. It is a pretty difficult area. And our goal for baptisms this month is 3 and I don`t have a single one. I have one but I am almost positive he won`t be baptized. All of the baptisms or investigators we had fell this week. And all this happened in 3 days. Thrusady through Saturday. It was a few pretty rough days. And we had an investigator with a baptism date that got mad at us. It was one of the weirdest experiences I have had in the mission. He has always had doubts that the church is true but he wants to be a member because he likes the people and wants to hold the priesthood and such. In all our lessons with him he asks us the same questions. And for some reason, on Friday, he finally understood the answers. They sunk into his head. And let me tell you, he wasn`t too happy with the answers we told him. He asked if all the people will live in heaven and we explained the answer and everything and he wasn`t too happy with the answer. And then he asked why we thought that and we again explained it too him. Then he flat out told us he doesn`t believe in the church. He`s Christian and his family is and that they will all live in heaven and this and that. And then he stood up before we could even end and asked for the keys (we were in the church and I had the keys) and we all asked him to let us finish the lesson with a prayer but he wouldn`t let us. It was the weirdest thing because he came into the lesson really friendly and has always been super nice with us and such. But during the lesson his whole demeanor changed. It was pretty strange. And now he won`t acknowledge our existence or anything. I know there is nothing I can do but I hate the way I felt afterwards. Also, this day, one of the boys we were teaching told us he didn`t want us to teach him. He doesn`t like us. He wants Elders to teach us. And that Maria Fernanda only got baptized because of her uncle. I will tell you, I was pretty sad this day and I just haven`t had the desire to work as hard as I should. And I hate feeling this way. It is so hard when things fall and people don`t like you or act in ways taht are nasty. I am just hoping and praying that this weel will be a ton better. I am hoping that working with the members will halpe us and that we will have some success. I need to baptize 3 people this month and I don`t even have 3 names of people and we only have 3 more Saturdays in the month. I am sure I will be praying and fasting and working harder. I sure need to do this.

Anyways, other than this my week was fine. It started out alright. I will just have a better attitude this week. I don`t really know what else I can do. But anyways thanks for the letter and the news. I actually am reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish right now. I just started Sat night and I am in 1 Nefi 5. So last night I actually read chapter 4. I love that verse. I think right now it is one of my favorites. I just need to remember that things happen for a reason and that I need to be patient and things will work out. Everything happens for a reason and all happens in the timing of the Lord. Patience is something that I am learning. And I hope I will be more patient during the rest of my mission and afterwards.
I loved hearing about everyone. Tell Brenna thanks for the letter. And tell Wyatt HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I am pretty sad that I am missing his 12th birthday and that I can`t watch him pass the sacrament but I will see it kind of soon. Not too soon though. I hope he has a good day and everything. Tell him to write me and tell me how his day goes.

I can`t believe that Kristy is engaged. Well i can but I can`t. When you know about the guy let me know about him. I hope he is a good guy and everything.

And my interview with Pres was good. I just had some questions and I needed his cousel. So it was good. I asked for the interview because I was having some pretty hard days with my comp and everything I was trying wasn`t working and I needed his advice with how I can help the members in the area. So it was a good interview. He is a pretty awesome person and I am grateful that he is our President.

And you should take Janae`s letter. I would really like to have one :)

Anyways, I hope everything goes good this week with school starting and all. I love you all and miss you. Thanks for the letters and for the examples and everything. Keep up the good work and tell everyone hi for me. The church is true and I love being a member. Although we have hard times in our life, the Lord knows us and what we need and when we need it. It`s amazing how well he knows us. And I am grateful that I can talk to him because sometimes he`s the only one I can talk to and He understands me perfectly. I love the scriptures and all of you guys. I am so happy that you can all be in my family!
Hermana Kylee Fronk

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