

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hey family!
Holy cow! I loved the pictures and everything! I cannot believe he (Wyatt) is 12 years old and has the priesthood and passed the sacrament and is young mens and holy cow! That is so stinking awesome and I know this is where I need to be but its a little sad I missed all this. But that´s okay. One day I will get to see him pass the sacrament and all. I will just be patient. But thanks for the pictures. They are so nice. And you are right. Karson really does look like a missionary. I can´t believe he almost has his call and will almost go on his mission. Man, we are growing up too fast. I was thinking about how old I feel now that Kars will have his call, Brenna is driving and Wyatt is 12 years old. And than I thought, if I feel old, I wonder if you guys feel old too! (not Eric, just Janine =) ) Haha. I hope his Birthday was great and that he has a good day. How was Sunday? Tell him I would really like to know how his birthday was and how it feels to have the priesthood and be in young mens. I will be waiting for a letter from him this next Monday :) And I am so proud of him for not being ashamed to share the gospel in his little way. It´s pretty stinking cute that he did that with his teacher. Not many 12 year olds have the guts to do something like that but hes pretty cute. I also loved the part about him telling his teacher he couldn´t read a book because it said a bad word. He will be a pretty good missionary too. And it´s good that he is practicing about standing up for his beliefs now and not being ashamed. I have realized there is great power in that. Not to brag or anything but I have some pretty amazing siblings. And you have some pretty good kids. I know you know it but I just wanted to remind you.
This week was a little better. We worked with some of the members this week and I think they are going to help us find some more families. We found a less active person and taught his wife and her mom and sister. So we have 2 new families that we are working with and we are going to try and find the sisters husband so we can make it 3. I am a little sad because I am almost positive we are not going to have any baptisms this month so that is a bummer. But I know we will have more success in February! And of course because it is the best month of the year. But we definitely have new investigators which is awesome. And there are a few that are positive. So we will be working really hard with them. We also are working with the less actives. Or going to start. We finally got a list of the members in the ward! I am pretty excited about it. I have been bugging and bugging my bishop for it. And he wasn´t even the one to give it to us. His son was (which I have an interesting story about him in a minute) because the stake mission leader spoke in our ward yesterday and got a list for us. So we are going to start working with that. Also, we have changes coming up again. I felt like we just have them. Granted, I just did but another 6 weeks is almost over. The time does go by pretty fast. And I have some goals that I am trying to work on! I am going to memorize a scripture for every section for everything lesson. It´s like 50 scriptures or something. and I know this will be hard but it will help me with my Spanish and in teaching. So here I go! Also, I am going to read the BOM in spanish at least once before I come home and I want to read the Bible. At least the New Testament completely through. In english. I think. I still haven´t decided. Also, I want to fit into my jeans... Yes, I know that might be kind of dumb but hey, it´s a goal I have. I don´t know how probable it is being a missionary because we can´t do alot when people give us food but I am going to do all I can do. Which reminds me of something. Yesterday, after church, we were starving and so we went home and started cooking something for lunch. And I was munching on a few things because I was starving. We are in the middle of cooking when someone starts calling my name. So we look to see how it was. It was our bishops wife wondering why we weren´t at her house... I guess the Bishop forgot to tell us that we were invited for lunch. So we put all of our food on hold. It is still in our house uncooked. So we go to the Bishops house for lunch. And what makes it even better, his son brought his girlfriend over. For the first time. We all met her yesterday. They invited us over while they were meeting their son´s gf for the first time! It was a little uncomfortable at first because this is kind of a family thing. And she was nervous and I just felt bad for her. I felt like we were intruding on their little bonding moment. It was weird. Please don´t do that with any of us. Haha. Anyways, so we ate and such and the food was great. And I was pretty full. Then we went to a persons house because he needed help talking to his daugther. She lives in Canada and doesnt know any spanish. And he lives here and cant write anything in English. He can knid of talk in some but not a whole lot. So I was helping them communicate. Then, they decided to feed us dinner. It was a soup that is super good but they gave us tortillas and rice. And they kept asking if we liked it because we werent eating a lot. Haha I felt so bad, but I was so full! This is one thing that kills me in the mission. I have vowed that when I have the missionaries over I will not make them eat something they don´t want to or if they don´t like it, they don´t have to eat it. But I was so stinking full yesterday. I couldn´t even think about food without feeling sick.
Also, I think I might go back to Idaho... I know I still have more time to think about it but there is an elder here who is going and he is trying to convince me its the best choice. And he is pretty excited about going so it is helping me be a little more excited. And there are a lot of ex missionaries from here that are there or will go there so we would get together every once in a while. So that would be fun to talk to other people about the mission and get to know more people. Also, it would be pretty fun to live with Elyse. Granted, only if she wants to live with me. If I go, I am hoping we could live together so I could at least know someone. Since everyone is married! I won´t have any friends. I don´t know but I am pretty sure that´s what I will end up doing.
Got a question. Do you know where my medallon is? I know I have it somewhere but I can´t remember where it is. Could you maybe look for it if you have some free time? :) Please and thank you.
Well, this is all I can think of. I love you all and think you are all amazing. i hope you had a great weekend! I am sad I missed it but I was there in Spirit. Love you! Have a great week!!!!
Hermana Kylee Fronk

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