

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hola familia! So I know I talked to you last night and all but we´re aloud to email you to let you know we got here safe. And sorry for not really saying good bye but I couldn´t call back. I was already kind of a mess and didn´t want to cry more. I hope you understand. But it was awesome talking to you guys. I loved you all so much. I am already loving it here! Its beautiful! And humid which is a little different. But the nice thing is, I don't have to do my hair or put on a lot of makeup because it would be pointless. I was really worried about it but it´s really cool. It´s a lot smaller. Only 100 or so people are here. And the hermanas are really close. I know I´m going to love that. I already do. I don´t know who my companion is yet but I´ll find out soon. I also like that I will probably get to now the President and his wife a lot better. We meet his wife and she was really nice and sweer. It is also right across from the temple and the temple is beautiful. And when people come to the temple they stay here which is cool. It's just pretty cool. The culture is way different but it's pretty. It´s most definitely different than the states and it's definitely a third world country but it's a good difference. It's going to be a huge humbling experience. It already has been. There was a little girl in the airport parking lot just wandering around. She tried to come help me put my luggage in the car but the drivers kind of pushed her away. It broke my heart. I'm sure she was looking for money from me because I am an North American (we're not just called Americans. Weird, huh?) But it was so sad. She was just wondering around by herself. I'm sure I will see a lot of that. Going through customs at the airport was a little weird but it wasn´t too bad. I was just glad to get through because I could barely understand what they were saying! But being here, I know I´ll get the hang of it soon. I'm more exicted to learn spanish and everything about the culture. It´s just a lot better to be here. And the food is already amazing! Haha it's so good. And fresh. It's better than what I had in Provo. At least so far I do. I guess i better not say anything too soon. But I'm hoping it will be great. And I think I have the right address for here: Centro de Capacitación Misional Boulevard Vista Hermosa 23-71 zona 15 Vista Hermosa I C.P. 01015 Guatemala, Guatemala. One of the supervisors gave me this and he thinks its right but isnt sure so hopefully I will let you know soon. And i will wait to see if dear elder comes down here. I sure hope it does! I really want to get some mail! Maybe just email me and I can print them off and then write back. I don't think that will take up my whole 30 minutes. I think this was what dad was talking about last night. So maybe we'll have to give it a shot. Anyways, I love you all and am much more excited about being here. And thanks for fasting with me on Sunday! It means a lot to me. And happy Birthday Dad! I´m sad I will miss it but I love you all! P.S. They have these spanish keyboards and I can´t figure out how to do half the stuff on it. I have no idea where the enter button is so that's why it's all together. And tell grandma Bonnie that I got everyone's letters. It was awesome to get them! And in 2 weeks, I get to go teach in the plaza with a Latina companion. I'm a little nervous but I will let you know how it goes. Again I love you all! You are all so amazing. And I'll take some pictures and try to figure out how to send them.

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