

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hey mom!!!
So, a lot has happened this last week. I did get changed :) And I feel a lot more comfortable in this area already. It`s really weird to explain but I feel like I have more confidence to talk with people. I am still kind of nervous about making mistakes but I feel a little better. And yes, I have a new companion. Hermana De Leon. She`s from Guatemala and is really nice. She actually has the same amount of time that I do in the mission. It`s kind of hard to have a senior companion that has less time than I do but she doesn't make me feel less than her. She really tries to include me in everything and gives me time to talk in the lessons and actually corrects me when I make mistakes. It`s really good. And she wants to obey all the rules. So this may be why I have more confidence in this area because I feel like I am actually doing all I am supposed to be doing. I am in an area called Santa Maria and it`s still in the city but it`s not at the same time. It`s barely outside the city. And I feel like it`s a close knit group. It`s a fairly large area and there are so many hills but it`s really pretty. And I can still see the temple. It`s kind of small but on good days, I can still see it.
Speaking of the temple, I had the coolest experience on Friday. I got to go to the temple to see them put the Angel Moroni on the temple!!! It was awesome. The members are so excited to have a temple in Honduras and the Spirit was so strong! The temple is outside the mission but we got the permission of President Hernandez to go because we brought investigators. They are a family that are going to baptized this next Sunday. And they are really awesome. They have a little girl who is about 3 years old and she loves me :) Sometimes I feel more comfortable with the kids and so I seem to have better relationships with them. Haha and she calls me Hermana Fronko. She`s cute. I`ll send a picture of her this next Monday. But it was pretty cool to be able to see them put the Angel Moroni on the temple. Not everyone gets to watch that. I was really excited.
So this area is great and I do like it but the ward doesn`t really help. The Bishop... I seriously have no words for him. He is good but he is kind of prideful. I feel bad saying this but he has to remind us that he is the Bishop and how hard it is to be a bishop. He says he wants to help us but actually doesn`t end up helping at all. Everything is done on his time and if he wants something done, it will be done. And oh, the members are split. Big time. Half of the members can`t stand him and others just kind of deal with him. It`s so complicated. The ward is kind of a mess right now. And I know we won`t receive a lot of help from them. I am pretty positive about this. And yesterday at church he pretty much yelled during sacrament meeting. There is a meeting this Thrusday for the adults who have received their endownments and everyone was kind of loud. And then he kind of raised his voice. I think I am going to have a few problems with him. But I am trying to remember that he is called of God and there is a reason why he is the Bishop in this ward. So I will support him but I know he will be a stumbling block for me.
And holy cow, so many people can speak English in this area. Or at least kind of. There are a lot of returned missionaries and they all learned on their missions. So right now, I am going to teach Hermana De Leon. She doesn`t really want to learn because it`s hard but I am going to try to teach her something. It`s a really good opportunity. But the Bishop and his wife can speak English. Our mission leader David (who is kind of a pain too. He has been home 2 months from his mission so I thought he would be great but I am discovering that he is kind of like the Bishop) can speak English and a few other people. It`s kind of nice but hard too. I am grateful that I have another native companion who can`t speak a lot. They will talk to me in English and I am trying to respond in Spanish.
Hermana Chavez gave me a teddy bear when I left. It`s kind of weird to have a stuffed animal but it`s pretty common for the Latinas to have them. And it`s a nice thought. She really was a good comp but I was so ready for a change. And I am grateful for the change. It`s going to be nice. I just hope I stay in this area for Christmas because I don`t want to change right before. Changes are like a week and a half before Christmas and I don`t want to go to another area. But it`s not up to me. And people are already putting up their trees and lights :( I am pretty sure this will be the hardest part of my mission but I will try to make the best of it. I am pretty happy though because in my new zone, half of the missionaries are north americans so we get to have Thanksgiving. I am pretty excited.
Anyways, that is about all that has happened this last week. Right now we don`t have a lot of investigators. Actually we only have 3 and 2 are getting baptized this next weekend. So we need to find more. And soon. Which means we will be contacting a lot. Because I don`t know how many people will give us referneces. We`re also working with the recent converts which i really like and the inactive members. In La Joya, we never did this but I have realized how important it can be. I know I can learn so much from this ward, area, and Hermana De Leon. I am excited to see how much I can learn. I really want to be a senior companion or trainer by the next 2 or 3 changes so I have a lot of work to do and a lot to learn. But I can do it!
Thanks for the thought. I really appreciate it. I really liked it and I can`t wait to be able to read this whole talk. Thanks for the prayers and everything. I think everyday, it gets a little eaiser.
A few ending things: I shower everday with a bucket of cold water, ice cold water. The bathroom isn`t connected to the house. It`s outside. And my apartment is big! I love it. And part of the area is really poor and they don`t have anything. So I am being humbled by the lack of things that people have. Also, this is the 3rd change that sisters have been in this area. I know some Elders that served in this area. It`s kind of interesting. My stake center is a bus drive away. And I don`t know what else. I think that is it. BUt I thought you would like to know I shower with a bucket. All I can say is life is very very very different here. Sometimes a good different and sometimes a hard different. I think the first thing I want to do after getting home and eating, is take a warm shower.
And a sister in the ward sent me a card with letters from the kids in her primary class. Tell her thanks. She teaches kylee, a tenney, and I can`t remember who else. I really only remember kylee because she has my name. But it was really sweet and I loved it. And tell her that I think her cousin is actually in a different mission. She said she thinks he is in mine but no one knows the name. And I don`t either. And Lisa Spencer was one of my companions in the MTC and she knows the member in our ward. Small world!
I will continue to work hard and make all you guys proud.
Love you all!!!
Kylee :)

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